Sunday, 15 September 2013

Five People that cannot easily see the Greatness of your Calling

Number 1: YOU

You are the number one person that cannot easily see your calling. Always remember that God has not called the qualified, He qualifies the called. You are 'the called according to His purpose'
Don't say you are a child like Jeremiah said or make light of this words, you have been called already. Now is time to stand for the Kingdom you swore allegiance to.
At ceoGospel Intl, we believe in the greatness of your calling and why not!
Always remember you are His Instrument to the world.

Number 2: Biological Fathers

Don't be surprised at your father if he doesn't believe in your calling. Joseph's father, Jacob didn't believe in his calling and kept wondering at Joseph's dreams.
Sometimes you find yourself alone in the choices you make for God, it’s a sign of your calling. Don't be discouraged.
I challenge you today to look to God for inspiration. God is the best father you can ever have!
Always remember you are the very answer to God's will.

Number 3: Siblings

Your siblings are brothers and sisters from the same biological parents. In a family where there is history of preferential treatments, you will observe that competition is rife among siblings.
Jesus' siblings didn't believe in him until after his death and resurrection. They had grown so familiar and wouldn't accept that he could be the messiah. They had seen him used the toilet, slept, washed, bath et cetera.
Now your calling is after Jesus' pattern. He fulfilled purpose, you will also do same. Don’t let rejections by siblings affect your work for God. You belong to the beloved family of God with many beloved brothers and sisters. You are not alone. Be strong faithful city! For great is your reward.

Number four: Childhood Friends.

Your childhood friends are sometimes threat to fulfilling your calling. You are usually torn between their acceptance and stigma of rejection. Friends are important to the course we follow in life.
Take a look at Rehoboam, son of Solomon, his friends chose a calling different from what God wanted for him. For fear of rejection he followed his friends, paying the price of not fulfilling his calling. His friends grew up with him and probably didn't see anything special about him; hence they couldn't give him the right counsel. They couldn't help him see his calling as a king.
I pray God give you wisdom to know who matters in your destiny. Your calling is sure and you will not be found wanting. Amen.

Number five: Non-allos (heteros)

I want to quickly define for you some terms here. Allos is the greek interpreted as 'another of the same kind'. So a non-allos is 'another of a differrent kind'. The actual greek word is 'heteros' meaning 'another of a different kind'.
This is the last category of people who cannot easily see your calling. It is simple - they are of a different kind, in other words they have not understood their own calling let alone walk in it.
It is just like the Pharisees whom Jesus described as the 'blind trying to lead the blind'.
Don't expect someone who has not an idea of her calling to understand you when you talk. They cannot even help you. Have the least expectation from them. When you hear someone opposing you publicly, quickly recognize that he is not an allos but rather a heteros. Avoid such to make full proof of your calling.
I cap up by saying - you so dear to God and He has sent you on a specific assignment. Make heaven happy by staying with your calling. Inside your calling is everything you can ever desire. Don't pursue everything at the expense of your calling.

A faithful city – that is who you are!!!

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